Fact: We need more oversight of the roads program and other city expenditures.
Fact: Carol began auditing the attorneys' fees when she was elected and they dropped significantly.
A. Carol Opposed Tax Increases
Fact: Carol actively opposed a Utility Tax in her first term in 1994.
B. Oversight Of The Roads Project And Other Expenditures Is Vital
In 2024, Carol led the recruitment of a new qualified City Attorney offering reasonable rates, after discovering our city paid 25% more than other cities.
In 2024, Recovered $500,000 that the city was close to forfeiting (earmarked for storm drains and street debris removal) under the LA County Measure W assessment.
In 1993, city reserves were at an all time low. City hall was only open to the public four hours a day, the city manager was not on speaking terms with the fire chief, attorneys fees were $267,000. The city was being sued for $24 million.
By 1996, reserves returned to recommended levels, the lawsuit was settled favorably (a $300,000 recovery for the city), attorneys' fees dropped significantly, and city hall operated forty hours a week.